Anti-Wrinkle Treatment for Younger and Rejuvenated Skin
We all love the weather in sunny Queensland but one drawback would be that we get too much of the lovely sunlight! Over-exposure to the sun, rather the ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight, is the leading cause of skin damage and wrinkling.These effects are compounded when our skin loses elasticity as we age. Of course, there are other causes for skin wrinkling:
- Smoking
- Dehydration
- Some medication
- Environment
- Genetic factors
We may not be able to control all those factors, but thankfully, muscle relaxant injectables have been used in medical and cosmetic treatmentsfor over 20 years now.
Muscle relaxant injectables contain a natural purified protein that helps to relax the muscles in your face and to block muscles from being contracted. This smooths out the wrinkles you have at present, whilst also preventing wrinkles from forming in the future. Thanks to this amazing treatment, a younger and rejuvenated skin is within reach for everyone.
Book The Artistry Clinic’s safe & effective anti-wrinkle treatment now to beat the effects of ageing!